What’s the Secret? Kindness & Generosity

In our work with relationships, experience teaches that struggles and challenges are a natural aspect of relating… even the most successful ones. Our differences with one another is a given. Avoiding and running away from conflict particularly in loving, intimate relationships never works. It will somehow always catch up to us. I’m a big fan of John Gottman. He is a professor of psychology known for his … (Read more)

This is What Love Looks Like

If you know us as individuals or coaches, you know that we are absolutely passionate about our work as relationship coaches and our work with couples. Meet Courtney and Zach. They are the embodiment of an engaged couple who is so ready for their next step: Marriage. Photo by Jessica Miriam Photography As a young couple, Courtney and Zach have the most amazing communication skills … (Read more)

Midlife Gap Year — For Chris

As of this date, Chris is in his 3rd week of beginning a “midlife gap year”. Yup, after months of contemplation and planning, he made a big decision to take a break from his career and reassess life. As people hear about his “leave”, I jokingly say I’m pleased he chose this over a new sports car or girlfriend! (For those who know him, you … (Read more)

One of My Many Reasons for Joy

Carol and her family will be celebrating four years since our dear Chloe entered our lives. We adopted Chloe when she was 1-1/2 years from the Golden Gate Lab Rescue. And now, 7 pages later with 163 items listed on her “wall of shame” (number of items she has chewed on, destroyed, or eaten by stealing!) all we can say is… Thank you, dear Chloe! … (Read more)

Celebrating a Wedding Anniversary!

A letter to my Mom and Dad, I am quite a fortunate one. How lucky I am (along with siblings Craig and Cindy) to wish you two a Happy 60th Wedding Anniversary on this day, April 4, 2013! Mom and Dad, there is no greater gift you have given us than your modeling what has been a marriage built upon commitment, unwavering support, gratitude and … (Read more)