The Story of Almost is Now Closed!

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear is an expression we’ve all heard and likely even experienced. Well, I guess THIS student was ready!

I’ve been journaling daily for about 15 years. I have stacks and stacks of journals. A literal history of my thoughts, mistakes, lessons, blessings and joys that have transpired over the years.

A few weeks ago, I had a Deja vu moment as I wrote in my journal. I realized that I have been repeating and recycling the same story for years.  Yes, the context had changed several times but there was a thread of sameness to it. It was The Story of Almost. I’m ALMOST successful, ALMOST lost the weight and ALMOST finished the project. In other words, I kept complaining or bemoaning the same things over and over. Sadly, even some of my relationships were also written into The Story Of Almost.

This realization (at age 62) hit me like a ton of bricks. What needed to change in my life? I needed to END this story and begin to craft a new story of complete Joy, Love and Authenticity.

The Story of Almost doesn’t mean I’ve had a life of hardship; in fact, the opposite is true. Yes, there’s been bumps for sure, but I’ve had a blessed life. It’s about me owning and sharing the gifts and talents I was given by grace. We all have gifts and talents that are uniquely ours and I believe we are meant to share them. For reasons that perhaps made sense at one time, I’ve hidden or been afraid of using many of mine. I know why I did this, but that too is a story that no longer serves me. Yesterday’s solutions are often today’s problems and I’m now culling what no longer fits. I’m creating the space for new, better, bolder!

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear! Just as I had this awareness, I came across the IronMind60 challenge that Rob Dial was facilitating. I signed myself up before I could change my mind. Today is day 38 of the IronMind60 challenge and it’s been just what I need to craft that new story.

Crafting a new story is a two-pronged effort- a start and a stop. It requires a vow of persistence, consistency and rigorous honesty. The start prong is to steadfastly commit to some new daily practices that push me to do more; to BE more, and to bust through my beliefs about what’s possible. If you follow me on FB or Instagram, you will have seen my journey unfolding.

The second prong is clearing out and making space. I’m still Marie Kondo-ing my life story. I’m carefully examining my stories and beliefs asking myself “does this serve me? Does it bring me joy?” If the answer is no, then I’m letting it go!

I’m dreaming BIG, asking ‘what do I want?” and then drilling down into my answers to get as specific as possible. I’m listening to my heart untethered from the past.

The Story Of Almost is now closed for business. The new story is being written day by day. As I said, it’s a story of joy, love and authenticity. It is, and will be, a celebration of who I am. I will be imperfect, vulnerable and have fun putting myself out there and using my gifts. I am whole and complete while continuing to learn and grow. I’m free to be ME! It feels wonderful!

Do you have a story you want to close? Is there a new story you want to write for yourself? If so, contact me. I’d be honored to accompany, support and encourage you as your coach.