Intentions, Dreams and Goals

The end of the year is always my ‘look back’ time. At the beginning of the year I set an intention and list what I want to experience in my life and  myself during the year. Then as the year wraps up, I reconcile those things and take note of not only what happened or the results of the year, but how I showed up to the events and circumstances in my life, I notice retrospectively, who I was being.

Last year on New Year’s Day, I wrote down several things (as if they were already true) that were important to me; things that I wanted to be part of my 2017.

  • I am fit and able to do all that my heart desires.
  • I’m writing blogs regularly.
  • I have an active social life.
  • I’m part of a community.
  • I’m in love.

I also had some words… family, abundance, laughter, travel and so on…things I wanted to anchor my experiences on during the year. I gathered all these up and put them in a transparent blue Christmas globe ornament and placed it in a place of prominence in my office.  All year long my dreams, goals and desires were held safe and sacred in this ornament.

On New Year’s Day 2018, I cracked it open and laid all of it on the table. I realized that almost all my dreams (goals) had been realized. For sure, not all of them happened as I envisioned. In fact, that was rarely the case. But my ‘look back’ shifted my perspective. I moved from thinking I had kind of a ho-hum year, to seeing that it really was quite spectacular. Mary Morrissey of Dream Builders speaks of holding our dreams and goals loosely, meaning to be open to them manifesting in ways beyond our thinking. She suggests the mantra ‘this or something better’ with regard to our dreams. Well, as I looked back on 2017 I would say “something better”.

There was one note in my globe that I believe set the tone. It said, “I bless all my struggles and challenges.” I know when I do that, I open myself up to the learning and growth that are always available during these times. I know that so deeply that when they come my way, I know ‘this or something better’ has called me by name.

As I move into 2018, I am aware that every dream and goal I have is both scary and exciting. My intention for 2018 is that I CHOOSE EXCITEMENT over fear and that I make that choice repeatedly.

You might be wondering why I’m writing this more than 2 weeks into 2018. Well, the answer is this… any day can begin a New Year and a New Beginning. We’d love to partner with you in creating yours, so check us out – better yet, reach out!